Strengthening the Foundation: The Three-Legged Stool of Christian Education

A strong Christian education is not just about what happens within the walls of the school—it’s a collaborative effort that involves the school, the church, and parents working together to nurture the faith, character, and intellect of our students. Like a three-legged stool, each component plays a vital role in providing a solid foundation for our children’s spiritual and academic growth.

The School: Providing Academic Excellence Rooted in Faith

As a Covenantal Christian school, we are working to provide a Christ-centered education that challenges students academically, nurtures their spiritual growth, and prepares them to impact the world for Christ. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to excellence in education, integrating faith into every aspect of the curriculum, and creating a supportive learning environment where students can thrive.

The Church: Reinforcing Spiritual Values and Community

The church plays a central role in reinforcing the spiritual values and community that are foundational to Christian education. Through worship, fellowship, and discipleship, the church provides opportunities for students to deepen their faith, connect with others who share their beliefs, and serve their community in meaningful ways. Together, the school and the church form a partnership that extends the reach of Christian education beyond the classroom walls.

Parents: Fostering Faith at Home and School

As parents, you are your child’s first and most influential teachers. Your role in nurturing their faith and supporting their education is invaluable. By creating a faith-filled home environment, engaging with your child’s school community, and actively participating in their spiritual and academic growth, you reinforce the values and teachings they receive at school and church.

A Cord of Three Strands

In Ecclesiastes 4:12, we are reminded that "a cord of three strands is not quickly broken." The strength and resilience that comes from the unity and collaboration of parents, churches, and schools will help students thrive in their education.

Join Us in Building a Strong Foundation for Your Child’s Future

At Avail Academy, we are committed to partnering with parents and the church to provide a Christian education that equips students to excel academically, grow spiritually, and impact the world for Christ. Together, we can build a foundation that prepares our children to face the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow with courage, integrity, and grace.

Learn more about Avail Academy or schedule a tour.