Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Avail Academy: Part 2 – A Commitment to Christian Education

Author: Sarah Benbow, Director of Marketing and Public Relations

One of the most striking aspects of Avail Academy is our deep and unwavering commitment to Christian education. In the short time that I’ve been with Avail Academy, it’s been clear that this commitment is a cornerstone of our identity and what makes us stand out in our community.

A Covenantal christian Education: School, Parents, and Church

At Avail Academy, we embrace the concept of a Covenantal Christian school. This means that we believe in a collaborative approach to education, where the school, parents, and church work together to nurture and guide our students. This unique principle provides something like a checks and balances approach that ensures our mission remains steadfast and true to our Christian values.

A key element of this covenant is that at least one parent must be a follower of Christ. This requirement aligns with our mission and reinforces the integration of faith and learning throughout our curriculum. It’s a principle that keeps our school firmly grounded in its Christian foundation and supports our commitment to providing an education that nurtures both mind and spirit.

Teaching for Transformation: A Holistic Approach

One of the most compelling aspects of Avail Academy is our dedication to the Teaching for Transformation framework. Unlike traditional educational models that often focus solely on test scores and academic achievement, our approach is about much more than that.

Teaching for Transformation encourages students to engage deeply with their learning. They tackle projects that challenge them to think critically, solve problems, and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. This approach is refreshing because it goes beyond rote memorization and emphasizes the practical application of learning. It fosters a sense of purpose and personal growth, helping students to develop not just academically but also in character and spiritual understanding.

Examples of Teaching for Transformation in Action

I’ve had the opportunity to witness this holistic approach in action, and it’s truly inspiring. For instance, our students recently competed in the Minnesota Zoo project, where they worked on environmental and conservation initiatives. This project not only required them to apply their academic knowledge but also encouraged them to make a meaningful difference in the world. It’s a perfect example of how our Teaching for Transformation approach blends learning with real-world impact.

Another example is our high school Go Projects, which are service learning projects in our neighborhoods and communities, where students partner with local organizations to address community needs. Whether it’s organizing food drives, participating in environmental clean-ups, or assisting in community outreach programs, these projects help students connect their learning with service, reflecting our commitment to faith-driven action.

In addition, classroom discussions integrate biblical principles with academic subjects, encouraging students to consider how their learning intersects with their values. For example, elementary school history students were tasked with digging into the history of their favorite heroes of the Christian faith, which allowed them to dig into history and learn of that person’s contribution to God’s kingdom. 

Our sensory room, created in response to the diverse needs of our students, is another testament to our holistic approach. It provides a supportive environment where students can regulate their emotions and focus on their learning, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Avail Academy’s commitment to Christian education and our unique teaching approach are integral to what makes this school exceptional. We are dedicated to providing an education that nurtures both the mind and the spirit, fostering academic excellence alongside personal and spiritual growth.

I’m excited to continue sharing the remarkable aspects of Avail Academy with you. Stay tuned for more insights into what makes our school a truly special place. And if you have any personal experiences or stories about how our commitment to Christian education has impacted you or your family, I’d love to hear them!

Avail Academy