Creation Enjoyer: Celebrating God's Masterpiece

Creation Enjoyer Throughline: We explore and celebrate God’s beautiful creation, giving testimony to the presence of God in creation. Ordinary things become extraordinary when we look at, talk about, and study God’s creation.

At Avail Academy, students are taught to explore and celebrate God’s creation. We believe that by studying the natural world, students can witness the presence of God in all things.

The Bible frequently speaks of the wonder and beauty of God’s creation. Psalm 104:24 says, “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” Romans 1:20 also highlights that God’s invisible qualities are clearly seen in creation. Enjoying creation is a way to recognize and honor God’s handiwork.

Creation enjoyment involves recognizing the extraordinary in the ordinary. Students learn to see God’s presence in the natural world and to appreciate the beauty and complexity of His creation.

Being a Creation Enjoyer means actively exploring and celebrating the natural world. At Avail Academy, students engage in:

  • Field Trips: Participate in field trips to natural sites, such as parks, nature reserves, and botanical gardens.

  • Nature Studies: Engage in hands-on activities that involve observing and studying plants, animals, and ecosystems.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Learn about and practice environmental stewardship through activities such as recycling, gardening, and conservation projects.

Cultivating a heart for creation involves developing a deep appreciation for the natural world and a commitment to caring for it. Students learn that enjoying creation is not just about observing its beauty but also about taking responsibility to protect and preserve it.

Creation Enjoyer Throughline in Action

Our Blaine Kindergarten class has been exploring the wonders of God’s creation by studying materials like wood, paper, and fabric. As they examined how fabric begins as tiny threads before being woven, fused, or knit together, they marveled at the intricate beauty of God’s design. They felt and described different kinds of fabric, noticing how each material serves a unique purpose. 

Living out the Creation Enjoyer Throughline, our 8th-grade buddies joined the Kindergarteners in a hands-on project that turned ordinary fabric into something extraordinary. With fleece donated by Avail families, they worked together to create tie blankets, recognizing the beauty in both the materials and their shared experience. When they donated the finished blankets to a local homeless shelter, they gave testimony to God’s presence in creation—not only in the materials they used but also in the warmth, comfort, and love they shared with others.

A Vision for the Future

Ultimately, being a Creation Enjoyer means living out a vision of the world that recognizes and celebrates God’s masterpiece. It’s about fostering a sense of wonder and gratitude for the natural world and inspiring others to appreciate and care for it. At Avail Academy, we inspire our students to carry this vision into their futures, exploring and celebrating God’s creation wherever they go.

Avail Academy